Restaurant Happy hour

Restaurant happy hour is one of the most popular specials in the restaurant industry.
Though its origins according to Wikipedia show it started in bars it is now firmly a powerful restaurant marketing tool.
Wikipedia says, “The idea of drinking before dinner has its roots in the Prohibition era.[citation needed] When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, people would host “cocktail hours”, also known as “happy hours”, at a speakeasy before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served.”
But it’s not even all about alcohol discounts anymore.
Restaurants have non-alcohol related restaurant happy hour items too!
According to a recent restaurant happy hour study, 46% of customers participate in happy hour for valuable drink prices, and 41% for value-priced food deals.
It’s basically the same concept for both. Instead of beverage discounts, you can offer food specials during restaurant happy hour as well. Offer discounts on any food or drink or just narrow it down to a particular menu item. We highly recommend doing it on weekdays since weekends are already too busy.
Call it restaurant happy hour or tappy hour, the end result is shifting customers from your busy time to a less busy time and often opening up an entire extra seating. This leads to a massive profit increase.