The amount of traffic it can bring to your restaurant and how it can increase restaurant sales in dine-in, takeout and delivery can be amazing.
Your money
Your own Website
Expensive SEO
Constant Monitoring
Personal knowledge of complicated internet things.
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This restaurant Google hack is so easy, if you simply use our guide below, you can do it yourself in just over an hour or so, and be the #1 restaurant on Google by tomorrow!
Imagine anybody who types in your restaurant name finding you at the top of Google and being able to see your:
Remember when you were not in the top 3 of Google for your restaurant and you had to scroll down the SERP (search engine results page) and click on each restaurant Google listing one by one to see if it actually gives the information you want?
That’s not the case anymore. Google Business Profile Listing has made it easier by giving the answers outright. So now, instead of reading through the whole article, you simply get your answer at the very top, close the tab and move on.
It is like being #1 on Google for your restaurant all the time without even having a restaurant website (we still suggest you get a restaurant website for many many other increase restaurant sales reasons) for your restaurant name.
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