It is now required for restaurants to check vaccine passports. While the situation isn’t ideal there are things you can do to make the experience better for your patrons and even profitable for your restaurant.
The biggest concern with our restaurant clients is the time it takes to get people into the restaurant with the new scanning their passport QR Code and matching to the Drivers licence on each entry.
We will share a way to get your regular customers “Skip the line”, take the load off your staff, and collect (with customer approval) your customer data, all at the same time.
Implement a VIP Program for Your Restaurant

Did you know there is a way you can do this efficiently and not burden your already overwhelmed staff?
A chance to embrace it and help your business grow and keep customers as happy as possible?
Here’s how:
1. Create a simple VIP card for your restaurant.
Offer a VIP program to your clients who have been successfully screened with the vaccination passport app and driver license method the first time. You can do it tableside as anybody sitting at a table will have passed the government-required check to get in.
2. Attract customers to get the VIP card.
Let customers know the VIP membership allows them to go in the VIP line or Skip to the front of the line by just showing the VIP card and their Driver’s license vs. waiting for a scan etc. per original government-mandated checking rules.
3. Print your VIP cards.
You can get your VIP cards printed up for cheap at Vistaprint as a double-sided business card. ( Fiverr can get you a graphics person to make the design and layout for very little money. (
4. Collect required information from your customers.
Make a simple paper form say 1/6 of a piece of Letter size paper for them to “enroll” as VIP with. Again, if you do not have the skills in-house, Fiverr can be a huge help and very low cost.
- Name
- DL number (prevent fraudulent passing of your VIP card around)
- Email address (optional)
- Phone Number (contact tracing)
- Do you wish to Join our VIP Mailing List for Deals and Discount Offers? Yes No
5. Give customers their VIP cards right then and there.
Once your staff gets the paper form from the customer, take it to where you store the VIP Cards and have them fill in the actual printed card with their name and driver’s licence number. Give it back to the customer before they leave.
6. Subscribe opt-in customers to your VIP mailing list.
You can then either use Fiverr or one of your staff when things are not so busy to enter those who wanted to be on your VIP mailing list onto your mailing list. If you don’t yet have a mailing list, can help as this functionality is all built in to our Online and Mobile Ordering Platform with Free Pickup and 3.33% delivery service.
You can also take a look at other inexpensive autoresponder programs like MailChimp if you are not a DBC Customer yet as they have a good range of offerings from free for a basic limited version, which could work for a simple and small newsletter to $299/month for their robust version. (More like the capabilities already included in DeliveryBizConnect)
Turn Wait Times into Opportunities to Drive Restaurant Sales

Now you need to prepare your Line up area outside properly by giving people something to do while in line vs. just be bored and feel like it is a long wait.
Here are some ideas you can do for your restaurant:
1. Put some of your menus in the window.
This allows customers to browse while in line which could speed up your table turns making you more money in the process. Make sure you have a BIG QR Code in one of your windows AWAY from where your line will form to your Online Ordering System. This allows you to offer support to someone you must turn away should they not be vaccinated.
“So sorry but we must follow the strict government directives, but we would like to do the best we can for you…” and offer them the ability to place a quick order for takeout and consider offering a 10% or 25% discount to this order.
2. Give non-VIP customers a reason to get the VIP card.
Make a normal line and if possible, a VIP line, or make it clear with window or outside signage, VIPS can go to the front of the line for faster access.
3. Attract customers to download your mobile app.
If you have a mobile app, you should have QR Codes on your windows to download your mobile app with an incentive to do so. This will get them automatically onto your contact list, and give them something to do while waiting in line. has the full Mobile and Web Online Ordering platform all branded to you, as well as a check-in function in the mobile app branded to you to eliminate the need for a physical card for your VIPS.
It also comes complete with full email mailing and SMS and Push Notifications Broadcasting capabilities. Loyalty programs, your own deals, discounts and promotions engine, and free pickup with 3.33% delivery fees are also included.
Increase Your Restaurant Sales NOW!
It’s never too late to start your own food delivery service. Book an appointment with us for a 30-minute Complimentary Restaurant Sales Expert Call. At DeliveryBizConnect we’re committed to help restaurant owners stay on top of things and increase sales like never before.