The Numbers Don’t Add Up For Restaurants: Third-party Delivery Apps

How restaurants profit using third-party delivery apps like Uber Eats, DoorDash, and Grubhub is a mystery to some. The numbers simply don’t add up. The restaurant industry’s razor thin margins coupled with insanely high commissions and service fees is a perfect storm for any restaurant, especially during these times of pandemic. So how exactly do […]
10 Delivery Apps Your Restaurant Must Try

Assuming there were 10 delivery apps you must try for your restaurant, what would they be and how would you rank them? We’ve done our homework to see which ones are worth your time, literally sifting through dozens of third-party delivery apps on Google Play and App Store. We’ll be focusing on key areas considered […]
Restaurant Online Ordering Software – How to Set One Up

With regards to Restaurant Online Ordering Software, “42% of customers say the ability to order online would make them choose a restaurant” according to the National Restaurant Association” Restaurant owners are quickly realizing the potential of a restaurant online ordering system as a way to increase sales and magnify marketing efforts. Having their own customized […]
How Much Staff Done Delivery Would Cost You Per Order

Staff-done restaurant deliveries are easier than you think if you have tools like the Driver App from DeliveryBizConnect. It’s optimized to give the fastest route so they arrives fresh and kitchen perfect. That’s 20% more sales coming from a happy, satisfied customer. The cost-benefit of turning your staff into your own delivery service like Uber […]
Using 3rd Party Delivery Apps to Generate NEW CUSTOMERS

3rd party delivery app is a perfect way to profit if you have a strategy. This sounds a bit counterintuitive. But the truth is, they’re great at one thing – generating NEW CUSTOMERS for your restaurant. So how do we make the unprofitable profitable? If you’re following along from Step 1 of our Rapid Restaurant […]
What is the Cost Benefit of Delivery with Own Staff?

Own-staff restaurant deliveries work great for many restaurant owners. But there are those who are still reluctant to the idea. We did an actual survey on Facebook groups about own-staff restaurant deliveries and came up with some interesting results: 38% no idea where to start 33% staff doesn’t drive 26% doing it and it’s great […]